World Rankings Explained.

Last Updated by Admin  18 August 2019 14:41 


There are four methods of attaining World Ranking points.

A.  Attendance and performance at Championship events (World, British, European, National, English, Scottish, Irish Open).

Attendance points – 20 points per driver who race at the World Championship meeting.
Performance points – 10 down to 1 for the first ten in the title race, with a multiplication factor of 5.
i.e. 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

British, European and National
Attendance points – 12 points per driver who race at the Championship meeting.  If the event is staged over two days, drivers get 6 attendance points per day.
Performance points – 10 down to 1 for the first ten in the title race, with a multiplication factor of 4.
i.e. 40, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4

English, Scottish and Irish Open
Attendance points – 8 points per driver who race at the Championship meeting.  If the event is staged over two days, drivers get 4 attendance points per day.
Performance points – 10 down to 1 for the first ten in the title race, with a multiplication factor of 3.
i.e. 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

B.  Attendance and performance at designated World Ranking events.  Only a small number of these meetings are scheduled each season – typically UK Speedweekend, UK Superbowl and the ORC Championship.

Designated World Ranking Event
Attendance points – 6 points per driver who race at the event.  If the event is staged over two days, drivers get 3 attendance points per day.
Performance points – 10 down to 1 for the first ten in the title race, with a multiplication factor of 2.
i.e. 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

C.  Track Championship standings, adjusted accordingly for the number of meetings per venue.

Points are awarded 20 down to 1 for the first 20 in each Track Championship, multiplied by the number of meetings that have been staged at that track.
Number of                                Multiplication
Meetings per track                     factor
1 – 3                                         1
4 – 8                                         2
9 – 16                                       3
17 – 25                                     4
26 or more                               5
At the start of each season, these Track Championship scores are re-set to zero.

D.  Late season Track Championship standings, adjusted accordingly for the number of meetings per venue.

This fourth method of accumulating World Ranking points was introduced in 2010, in an attempt to add relevance to race meetings which fell in the period of the season between the cut-off for the World Final grid and the end of the year.  Points are awarded 20 down to 1 for the first 20 in each Track Championship, multiplied by the number of meetings that have been staged at that track.  However, this only applies to meetings staged after the cut-off date for the World Final grid – typically 20 July or 20 August.  World Ranking points scored in this manner, remain ‘live’ until the following year’s World Final grid has been announced.

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